Surrogacy in Cyprus

Surrogacy in Cyprus offers a blend of legal clarity and personalized care, making it an attractive destination for aspiring parents from all corners of the globe. With its comprehensive legal framework established by the Surrogacy Law of 2002, Cyprus ensures a secure and well-regulated surrogacy journey. Known for its high success rates and expert medical facilities, this Mediterranean haven provides a supportive environment for all surrogacy paths. Our services are dedicated to guiding you seamlessly through every step, connecting you with top-notch clinics and legal professionals, to fulfill your dream of parenthood in the picturesque setting of Cyprus.

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decorSurrogacy in Cyprus

Legal Aspects of Surrogacy in Cyprus

Cyprus offers a gentle and understanding approach to surrogacy, guided by a legal framework that's accommodating and less restrictive. The Surrogacy Law of 2002 sets a caring and ethical tone, making it easier for people from around the world, including those of single individuals and same-sex couples, to pursue their dream of having a family.

This open-minded legal environment, while not overly strict, ensures a safe and positive experience.

Couples We Help

  • Heterosexual Intended Parents

    We understand that each surrogacy journey is unique, shaped by individual motivations and circumstances. Regardless of what has led you to consider surrogacy, we are fully prepared to provide you with the assistance and support you need.

    Couples considering surrogacy, regardless of their sexual orientation, may have a variety of reasons for embarking on this path. Some may face infertility challenges due to health conditions such as cancer, while others may wish to prevent the transmission of a genetic disorder or medical condition to their child. Based on your specific situation, we offer the following options:

    • Utilizing your own eggs and your partner's sperm
    • Exploring the use of donor eggs or sperm

    Your unique journey is important to us, and we are here to help you navigate the path to parenthood with care and expertise.

    Heterosexual Intended Parents
  • Same-Sex Intended Parents

    Surrogacy in Cyprus for same-sex couples is an extension of your journey together, combining compassion with advanced reproductive technologies. It's a pathway to parenthood where your unique story is met with understanding and professional support. We're committed to guiding you confidently through each step, turning your dream of building a family into a vibrant reality. In Cyprus, your journey is a testament to the boundless nature of love in creating new life.

    Same-Sex Intended Parents
  • Single Male Intended Parents

    Single male intended parents find a supportive and accommodating environment for surrogacy in Cyprus. The country's flexible legal framework opens up the opportunity for single men to pursue the path of surrogacy and fulfill their dreams of fatherhood. This inclusive approach reflects Cyprus's recognition of diverse family structures and the evolving nature of parenthood. Without the constraints of restrictive laws, single male intended parents can start on their surrogacy journey with greater freedom and support, ensuring that their experience in creating a family is as seamless and positive as possible.

    Egg Donation for Single Males

    Single men have the option to choose egg donation, using eggs from either anonymous or known donors. These eggs are then fertilized with the sperm of the intended father to form embryos. These resulting embryos are subsequently placed into a surrogate mother's uterus using the gestational surrogacy process. This choice provides single men with the opportunity to establish a genetic connection with their child.

    Throughout this journey, you can count on the support of medical professionals, legal experts, and a community of individuals who share your dream of single parenthood through surrogacy.

    Single Male Intended ParentsSingle Male Intended Parents
  • Cancer Survivor Intended Parents

    While cancer may have been a part of your life's journey, it doesn't dictate your future. Surrogacy opens a remarkable door to parenthood—a pathway where love, resilience, and cutting-edge technology converge to turn what once seemed unattainable into a reality. Our mission is to equip you with the knowledge, support, and resources needed to take that courageous step forward. With each success story and shared experience, we reinforce our belief: the dream of parenthood, even after triumphing over cancer, isn't merely a hope; it's a tangible reality within reach.

    Infertility After Cancer

    Taking the brave step towards starting a family after conquering cancer is both inspiring and demanding. To help you confidently navigate this new chapter, here's a brief overview of your options:

    • IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)
      If you've preserved your eggs or sperm before treatment, IVF presents a viable path. This procedure enables you to potentially carry a pregnancy using your previously frozen genetic material.
    • Egg Donation
      If fertility preservation wasn't possible, turning to donor eggs offers a valuable alternative. Depending on your current health and ability to carry a pregnancy, this choice can be pursued either for yourself or in collaboration with a surrogate.
    Cancer Survivor Intended Parents
  • International Intended Parents

    Cyprus is recognized globally for surrogacy due to its friendly legal environment and high success rates, which attract international intended parents. The country's less complex laws make it easier for people from abroad to navigate the surrogacy process. Additionally, Cyprus's advanced medical facilities and expertise in assisted reproduction enhance its appeal. Support from local agencies in managing legal and medical aspects further simplifies the journey for international clients, making Cyprus a popular choice for surrogacy globally.

    International Intended Parents
  • Cyprus’ legal requirements to start the process

    • Legal Identification Documents
      Identification for all parties involved, including passports or national IDs for the intended parents.
    • Ethical Clearance
      In some cases, especially in clinics or with agencies, an ethical review board may need to approve the surrogacy arrangement.
    • Criminal Record Certificate
      Provide a certificate indicating no convictions under specific sexual offense laws.
    • Medical Reports
      Such as, psychiatric report, and sperm and blood tests.
    Cyprus’ legal requirements to start the process

About the Surrogate Mother

Surrogate mothers in Cyprus must meet certain criteria to qualify.

  • Age Requirement
    Must be between 20 and 35 years old.
  • General Health
    Should be in good mental and physical health.
  • Parental Status
    Should have her own healthy child.
  • Marital Consent
    If married, requires full approval from her husband.
  • Legal Age Range
    In some cases, ages 18 to 50 may be considered, with exceptions granted by the Council for Medically Assisted Reproduction.
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decorHappy surrogate mother

Egg Donation

In Cyprus, our partner clinics' egg donor databases display a diverse array of ethnicities, reflecting the island's rich cultural tapestry. These databases feature donors of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and European backgrounds, encompassing a broad spectrum of physical attributes. Donors vary in skin tones, eye and hair colors, and physical features, representing the diversity found in Cyprus. Intended parents can explore these extensive databases to choose a donor who aligns with their specific preferences for physical traits and other characteristics, facilitating a tailored surrogacy journey.

Open the Catalogue of Egg Donors Now
  • Age Requirement:

    21-35 years old.​

  • Reproductive Health

    Regular monthly periods, no reproductive disorders or abnormalities.​

  • General Health

    Physically and emotionally healthy, BMI under 28.

  • Lifestyle

    Non-smoker, non-drug user and not using specific contraceptives.

  • Medical and Psychological Evaluation

    Willingness to undergo evaluations.

    Medical and Psychological Evaluation
  • Legal Capacity

    Full legal capacity, preferably citizens.

    Legal Capacity
  • Health Screening

    Free from genetic or infectious diseases that could be passed to offspring.

    Health Screening

About the Surrogate Baby

Here are the legal documents once the baby is born:

  • Birth Certificate
    Intended father’s and surrogate mother’s names will be in the baby’s birth certificate.
  • Passport & Nationality
    Typically follows the biological father's nationality.
decorAbout the Surrogate Baby

Vireo Surrogacy Cost in Cyprus

Cost of surrogacy in Cyprus typically ranges between €50,000 to €149,000. Here are the programs available at Vireo:

  • Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) Program

    The Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) program is a specialized option for those with frozen embryos, ready to be used for surrogacy. These embryos may be sourced from your own eggs or from an egg donor, depending on the regulations of the destination country.

    Intended parents are required to compile a specific package of documents and arrange for the safe shipment of their frozen embryos to the chosen country. This process also includes complying with any local permissions necessary. Once the embryos are securely transported to our partnered clinic, we take responsibility for preparing a surrogate mother for the embryo transfer. The program encompasses not just the transfer process but also offers ongoing support and coordination throughout the pregnancy, ensuring legal and ethical standards are upheld. Additionally, we provide continuous updates and monitor the surrogate's health and pregnancy progress, ensuring a smooth and well-supported journey for all involved.

    Starting at € 50,000 – 1 IVF & 2 attempts

  • Own Eggs Program

    Opting for the program using your own eggs allows you to create embryos for subsequent transfer to a surrogate mother. The female parent will undergo ovarian stimulation using specific medication, followed by an IVF cycle (ICSI). The program covers 2 or 3 attempts at embryo transfer. Before beginning the process, specific medical tests are required from the Intended Parents.

    Starting at € 63,000 – 1 IVF & 2 attempts

  • Egg Donation Program

    The Egg Donation program provides an IVF cycle with Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), using an egg donor selected from our extensive international loop database. Donors come with complete profiles and photos, tailored to each destination's requirements. The program includes up to 2 or 3 attempts at embryo transfer. After the embryos are created, we'll match you with a suitable surrogate mother and commence preparations for the first embryo transfer. This comprehensive approach ensures a smooth and well-supported journey towards parenthood, with careful consideration given to donor selection and surrogate matching.

    Starting at € 66,500 – 1 IVF & 2 attempts

  • Guaranteed Program

    A top choice of our intended parents, the Guaranteed Program offers unlimited IVF cycles with Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) and embryo transfers to maximize the chances of a successful surrogacy journey. This program includes comprehensive coverage, such as insurance for the surrogate mother throughout the process and Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) of the embryos, though availability may vary based on the destination. Additionally, it encompasses other essential services designed to maintain ethical standards and comfort for all parties involved. This program is tailored to provide peace of mind and support at every step, ensuring a well-coordinated and ethically sound path to parenthood.

    Starting at € 77,500

  • Double Guaranteed Program

    The Double Guarantee Program is an ideal choice for those wishing to welcome two children simultaneously. This unique program encompasses the entire process with two surrogate mothers, offering unlimited IVF cycles and embryo transfers to ensure the successful live birth of twins. Tailored for those seeking a larger family in a single journey, this program provides the assurance and support needed for a potentially more complex but rewarding surrogacy experience. With its focus on dual surrogacy, the Double Guarantee Program stands out as a comprehensive and specialized option for expanding your family.

    Starting at € 149,000

All programs
  • Partnered Clinics Around the World
  • Partnered Clinics Around the World
  • Partnered Clinics Around the World
  • Partnered Clinics Around the World
  • Partnered Clinics Around the World
  • Partnered Clinics Around the World
  • Partnered Clinics Around the World
  • Partnered Clinics Around the World

Partnered Clinics Around the World

Vireo is a surrogacy agency partnered with highly ethical surrogacy clinics from various countries. We help intended parents by offering a variety of options that can fully optimize their surrogacy experience at a manageable financial cost.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is it allowed in Cyprus to select the baby’s gender?

  • Does Cyprus permit surrogacy services for same-sex or gay couples?


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