Surrogacy in Albania

Albania, one of Europe's most accessible and cost-effective surrogacy destinations. Surrogacy in Albania is a legal and increasingly popular option for individuals and couples from around the world, offering a unique opportunity for those on their journey to parenthood. With no stringent surrogacy laws, the process here is inclusive of all family structures, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their marital status or sexual orientation, can fulfill their dream of having a child.

We are committed to seamlessly guiding you through each stage of the process, linking you with premier clinics and legal experts, all to help realize your dream of becoming parents in the beautiful surroundings of Albania.

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decorSurrogacy in Albania

Legal Aspects of Surrogacy in Albania

The primary legal reference to surrogacy in Albania is found in Article 261 of the Family Code, which equates surrogacy adoption to general adoption processes. This requires the intended parents to undergo an adoption procedure post-birth, involving the Adoption Committee's approval and a court hearing to establish full legal parentage. Furthermore, birth certificates initially list the surrogate mother and the genetic father, necessitating additional legal steps for the intended parents to fully assert their parental rights.

Due to these complexities, it's crucial for those considering surrogacy in Albania to seek advice from experienced agencies to navigate the process effectively and safeguard your rights as intended parents.

Couples We Help

  • Heterosexual Intended Parents

    At the heart of our services is the understanding that every surrogacy journey is distinct, shaped by personal motivations and life situations. Whether it's health-related infertility or the wish to prevent genetic issues, we are prepared to support you in your surrogacy choices.

    Your options include using your eggs and partner's sperm or exploring donor possibilities, depending on your unique needs. We're here to support your one-of-a-kind path to parenthood, offering expert guidance and compassionate care.

    Heterosexual Intended Parents
  • Same-Sex Intended Parents

    In Albania, surrogacy offers same-sex couples a path to parenthood that's filled with empathy and state-of-the-art reproductive technology. It's a journey where your distinct story is embraced with professionalism and support. We're here to help you navigate each step with confidence, helping transform your dream of a family into reality. Your journey in Albania is a beautiful affirmation of love's ability to create life.

    Same-Sex Intended Parents
  • Single Male Intended Parents

    Surrogacy in Albania offers a welcoming and supportive setting for single male intended parents. The country's adaptable legal system allows single men the chance to pursue surrogacy and achieve their dream of becoming fathers. Albania’s inclusive stance acknowledges various family forms and the dynamic concept of parenting. With fewer legal restrictions, single male intended parents can embark on their surrogacy journey with more freedom and support, ensuring a smooth and fulfilling family-building experience.

    Egg Donation for Single Males

    Single men in Albania can opt for egg donation, selecting either anonymous or known donors. The donor eggs are then fertilized with the intended father's sperm to create embryos. These embryos are implanted in a surrogate mother through gestational surrogacy. This process gives single men the opportunity to have a biological connection with their child, paving the way for them to start their own family.

    Throughout this journey, you can count on the support of medical professionals, legal experts, and a community of individuals who share your dream of single parenthood through surrogacy.

    Single Male Intended ParentsSingle Male Intended Parents
  • Cancer Survivor Intended Parents

    Cancer might have been a huge part of your past, but it doesn't define your future. Surrogacy offers a beautiful route to parenthood, a journey where love, strength, and advanced technology come together to make what seemed impossible, possible. We are here to provide you with the necessary knowledge, support, and resources to take this brave step. Each success story strengthens our belief: achieving parenthood after overcoming cancer is not just a hope, but a real possibility within your grasp.

    Infertility After Cancer

    Deciding to start a family post-cancer is both inspiring and challenging. To assist you in this new journey, here are some options:

    • IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)
      If you've saved your eggs or sperm before treatment, IVF is a promising option. It allows the possibility of pregnancy using your own genetic material.
    • Egg Donation
      If you couldn't preserve fertility, using donor eggs is a valuable alternative. Depending on your health and ability to carry a pregnancy, this option is available for either personal use or in combination with a surrogate.
    Cancer Survivor Intended Parents
  • International Intended Parents

    In Albania, where surrogacy laws are accommodating, international intended parents find a supportive environment to fulfill their dreams of starting or growing their families. With no nationality-based restrictions, Albania stands as a beacon of hope for many who face legal hurdles in their home countries. Our comprehensive service ensures that you are guided through every step of this important journey, from understanding the legal framework to coordinating with medical and legal professionals.

    Embrace the possibility of parenthood in a country celebrated for its open approach to surrogacy, where your dream of a family becomes a reality.

    International Intended Parents
  • HIV+ & AIDS Intended Parents

    Having HIV or AIDS doesn't prevent you from achieving your dream of having a family. Surrogacy is a practical option for making this dream come true. We are fully aware of the specific challenges and concerns that HIV+ and AIDS-affected intended parents face in their surrogacy journey. Our approach is to offer personalized, professional advice tailored to your individual needs. Our caring team is dedicated to managing every aspect of your journey with empathy, careful attention, and the utmost respect.

    The surrogacy journey for intended parents living with HIV or AIDS involves crucial medical considerations:

    • Viral Suppression
      Maintaining an undetectable viral load is critical for HIV+ individuals. This not only protects your health but also significantly reduces the risk of transmission to the child or surrogate.
    • Sperm Processing
      For HIV+ males, sperm processing is a vital procedure. This technique separates sperm from the seminal fluid, which may carry the virus, minimizing the risk of transmission.
    • Medication Management
      Effective management of antiretroviral therapy is essential to maintain health and minimize risks throughout the surrogacy process.
    HIV+ & AIDS Intended Parents
  • Albania’s legal requirements to start the process

    • Identification Documents
      Passports or other government-issued IDs for both the intended parents and the surrogate.
    • Medical Reports
      Comprehensive medical reports for both the intended parents and the surrogate, including fertility assessments and general health evaluations.
    • Psychological Evaluations
      Mental health evaluations of the intended parents and the surrogate to ensure emotional readiness for the surrogacy process.
    • Legal Agreements
      A surrogacy agreement outlining the terms and conditions of the arrangement, responsibilities, financial aspects, and other important factors.
    • Background Checks
      In some cases, criminal background checks for the intended parents and the surrogate might be necessary to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the child.
    • Consent Forms
      Signed consent forms from all parties involved, acknowledging understanding and agreement to the medical procedures and legal aspects of surrogacy.
    Albania’s legal requirements to start the process

About the Surrogate Mother

Albania, while not having specific surrogacy laws, generally follows common international practices regarding the eligibility criteria for surrogate mothers.

These criteria are designed to ensure the health and well-being of both the surrogate and the baby. Typically, a surrogate mother in Albania should meet the following criteria:

  • Age
    Surrogates are usually required to be between 21 and 38 years old, ensuring they are of an age considered medically and legally appropriate for childbearing.
  • Physical Health
    The surrogate must be in good overall health. This includes having a healthy body mass index (BMI), being free from any chronic or serious medical conditions, and having a history of uncomplicated pregnancies and deliveries, if she has had children before.
  • Previous Pregnancy
    It is often preferred, or even required, that the surrogate has already given birth to at least one healthy child. This criterion serves as evidence of her ability to carry a pregnancy to term without complications.
  • Psychological Health
    Surrogates should undergo psychological evaluations to ensure they are mentally and emotionally prepared for the surrogacy journey. This includes understanding and consenting to the emotional and physical demands of the process.
  • Lifestyle Factors
    A surrogate should lead a stable, responsible lifestyle. This includes abstaining from smoking, illegal drug use, and excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Willingness for Medical and Psychological Evaluations
    The surrogate should be willing to undergo thorough medical and psychological assessments before and during the surrogacy process to ensure her suitability and the health of the baby.
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decorHappy surrogate mother

Egg Donation

In Albania, renowned for its rich cultural heritage, our partner clinics offer an egg donor database that mirrors the country's diverse ethnic mosaic. This database includes donors from a variety of backgrounds, capturing the unique blend of Balkan, Mediterranean, and European influences that characterize Albania.

Donors in our database present a wide range of physical attributes, reflecting the diverse beauty found across the country. They vary in skin tones, eye and hair colors, and distinct physical features, providing intended parents with a broad spectrum of choices.

This allows those embarking on their fertility journey in Albania to select a donor who not only aligns with their specific preferences for physical traits but also resonates with their cultural or personal aspirations. Our extensive and inclusive egg donor database is designed to facilitate a more personalized and meaningful experience for intended parents, ensuring that every step of their journey is aligned with their desires and expectations.

Open the Catalogue of Egg Donors Now
  • Good Physical Health

    Free from any serious medical conditions and a healthy body mass index (BMI)​

  • Psychological Health

    Must pass psychological evaluations to ensure mental and emotional suitability.​​

  • No Genetic Disorders

    Should not carry any genetic diseases that could be passed on to the offspring.

  • Reproductive Health

    Demonstrates normal fertility and reproductive health, often assessed through medical examinations.

  • Healthy Lifestyle

    No smoking, illegal drug use, or excessive alcohol consumption.

    Healthy Lifestyle
  • Informed Consent

    Ability to provide informed consent, understanding the implications and procedures involved in egg donation.

    Informed Consent
  • Background Check

    May include criminal and medical history checks to ensure the donor’s suitability.

    Background Check

About the Surrogate Baby

Here are the legal documents once the baby is born:

  • Birth Certificate
    Issued by the hospital where the child is born, initially listing the surrogate mother and possibly the genetic father. This document is essential for legal recognition of the child's existence
  • Passport & Nationality
    Often determined by the nationality of the intended parents. If the intended parents are citizens of a country that recognizes surrogacy and grants citizenship to children born abroad, the child can typically acquire the same nationality.
decorAbout the Surrogate Baby

Vireo Surrogacy Cost in Albania

The cost of surrogacy in Albania typically ranges between $58,500 to $85,000. Here are the programs available at Vireo:

  • Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) Program

    The Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) program is a specialized option for those with frozen embryos, ready to be used for surrogacy. These embryos may be sourced from your own eggs or from an egg donor, depending on the regulations of the destination country.

    Intended parents are required to compile a specific package of documents and arrange for the safe shipment of their frozen embryos to the chosen country. This process also includes complying with any local permissions necessary. Once the embryos are securely transported to our partnered clinic, we take responsibility for preparing a surrogate mother for the embryo transfer. The program encompasses not just the transfer process but also offers ongoing support and coordination throughout the pregnancy, ensuring legal and ethical standards are upheld. Additionally, we provide continuous updates and monitor the surrogate's health and pregnancy progress, ensuring a smooth and well-supported journey for all involved.

    Starting at € 58,500

  • Guaranteed Program

    A top choice of our intended parents, the Guaranteed Program offers unlimited IVF cycles with Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) and embryo transfers to maximize the chances of a successful surrogacy journey. This program includes comprehensive coverage, such as insurance for the surrogate mother throughout the process and Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) of the embryos, though availability may vary based on the destination. Additionally, it encompasses other essential services designed to maintain ethical standards and comfort for all parties involved. This program is tailored to provide peace of mind and support at every step, ensuring a well-coordinated and ethically sound path to parenthood.

    Starting at € 85,000

All programs
  • Partnered Clinics Around the World
  • Partnered Clinics Around the World
  • Partnered Clinics Around the World
  • Partnered Clinics Around the World
  • Partnered Clinics Around the World
  • Partnered Clinics Around the World
  • Partnered Clinics Around the World
  • Partnered Clinics Around the World

Partnered Clinics Around the World

Vireo is a surrogacy agency partnered with highly ethical surrogacy clinics from various countries. We help intended parents by offering a variety of options that can fully optimize their surrogacy experience at a manageable financial cost.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is it allowed in Albania to select the baby’s gender?

  • Is commercial surrogacy allowed in Albania?

  • Does Albania permit surrogacy services for intended parents with AIDS or who are HIV positive?

  • Does Albania permit surrogacy services for same-sex or gay couples?


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